A stylish measure to deliver the perfect socks to our customers

At Ohnoya souhonten, there are made-to-order items and also sells ready-made items with a specific shape. “There are four types of Tabi Shoes available in the same size, from thin to wide fit. There are four types of Tabi Shoes: the narrow fit "Hoso," the regular thin "Yanagi," the slightly wider "Ume," and the high-backed "Botan”. These names were all named by my grandfather.”

It is said that during the time of the fifth generation master, Ohnoya was recognized as a Tabi Shoes shop instead of a costume tailor. “My grandfather was a man who had a sense of style, made a saying 'When you dance, you see the feet, when you talk, you see the eyes, Tabi are Ohnoya shintomigata’ and It is appealing for tabi socks that look thin.” The phrase is still used as the store's catchphrase, as it is written on the wrapping paper used for purchases and on the store's goodwill.

As for the key to choosing Tabi Shoes, "Shoes can have extra space for the feet to stay loose or can be wide, but Tabi Shoes should fit you well without wrinkles.”

It is up to the customer to decide which one to choose. “There are people that prefer tight-fitting Tabi Shoes, while others prefer a loose-fitting Tabi Shoes that they can wear for a long time without getting tired. We listen to the customer's wants and needs, and try to suggest the perfect Tabi Shoes to meet their needs.” When purchasing a pair of tabi socks for the first time, it would be a good idea to try them on at the store and have a thorough consultation.